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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Reviewed and understood the PJCD Instructions to Authors.*
  • Included cover letter as an attachment, with complete title of the work, list of all authors, clear identification of the corresponding author with complete contact information (institutional mailing address, work telephone, fax number, and work e-mail address).*
  • Reviewed and completely accomplished PJCD Author Form.*
  • Each author individually accomplished the ICMJE Declaration of Conflicts of Interest Form.*
  • The submission file for the manuscript shall be in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word file format only. 
    Articles shall be single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; with 1 inch margins on all sides.
    All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.* 
  • For case reports/series and grand rounds, the fully accomplished Informed Consent Form should be submitted.
    For Original Studies, a scanned copy of the Institutional Ethical Board Approval should be submitted.*

Author Guidelines


The Philippine Journal of Chest Diseases shall only accept submissions through its official Open Journal Systems platform.

  • The submission file shall be in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word file format only. 
  • Articles shall be single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; with 1 inch margins on all sides.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

No hard copies or submissions through e-mail shall be accepted.  

Complete submissions shall include the following:

  • PJCD Cover letter (Template)
  • PJCD Author Form (Form)
  • ICMJE Declaration of Conflicts of Interest (Form)
  • Manuscript
  • Other forms relevant to the submission:
    • Informed Consent Form depending on the article type (Form)
    • Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Ethics Committee Approval

Each of the above is described in the following sections.


A cover letter shall be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief stating the authors’ intention to submit to the PJCD, the complete title of the manuscript, and a listing of all authors. A Cover Letter template is available here.

The Corresponding Author, who shall act as the focal point for correspondences with the Editors and Coordinator of the PJCD, shall be clearly indicated in the letter. 

If the study on which the manuscript is based has already been included in previous conferences,  conventions, or scientific meetings as oral presentation, posters, or abstracts, this shall be mentioned in the cover letter. Authors are asked to include information on the title and dates of the meeting, as well as awards or distinctions, if any. This information shall be placed as a footnote in the accepted article’s final layout.


The PJCD Author Form is a comprehensive form accomplished by all the listed authors and includes:

  • A certification that all authors have fulfilled all ICMJE authorship criteria (NOTE: All authors must fulfill all 4 criteria)
  • Active and sufficient participation in the conception or design of the work, the acquisition and interpretation of data for the work; AND
  • Drafting of the work, revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
  • Responsibility for the final approval of the version to be published; AND
  • Accountability for all aspects of the work and ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved


  • A list of Declarations of conformity to publication ethics and ethical standards for experiments on human/animal subjects and approval by the appropriate ethics committee
  • Declaration that the manuscript represents original, exclusive, and unpublished material
  • Declaration that the manuscript is not under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere until PJCD issues a final editorial decision
  • Declaration that the study on which the manuscript is based had conformed to ethical standards and/or had been approved by the appropriate institutional ethics committee
  • Declaration that data supporting the results and analysis (including original images) can be made available for re-analysis upon request
  • Declaration that all intellectual contents not owned by the Authors (such as, but not limited to, images, figures, diagrams, tables, photographs, photomicrographs, or other items under copyright) have written permission for use and publication in the PJCD from the owners


  • A publishing agreement
  • An agreement between the Author/s and PJCD that the former retains ownership of copyright and intellectual rights for the journal article published AND grants PJCD the exclusive publishing rights through Creative Commons License CC-BY-4.0.  PJCD shall implement CC-BY-4.0 allowing others to reuse the article in whole or in part for any purpose, for free, even for commercial purposes, so long as the Author/s and the journal are properly cited. 


  • Complete names of the authors

For all Authors the following shall be indicated:

  • First name, middle initial, last name 
  • Title indicating the highest educational/professional attainment (e.g., MD, MSc, PhD)
  • Name and location of main institutional affiliation




All authors are required to submit individual declarations of conflicts of interest using the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Disclosure of Interest Form. The form should be completely accomplished and included with the submission.

Potential conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to) ownership, employment, research support, involvement as speaker, consultant, or any other financial relationship or arrangement with manufacturers, companies, suppliers, or distributors, by any of the authors or his/her immediate family.


For case reports/series and grand rounds, the authors shall be required to submit a scanned copy of the written/informed consent for publication from the involved patient/subject.  The PJCD encourages the use of its standard Informed Consent Form. If the authors prefer to use their institution’s Informed Consent Form, the same may be accepted provided there is explicit mention that the patient consents to the publication of information about him/her in a journal article. The Editor-in-Chief may require the use of its standard ICF if the institutional ICF is found to be insufficient. Shall the involved subject/s and/or relative/guardian no longer be available to provide Informed Consent, the Author/s shall state so in the cover letter with a description of the due diligence exerted in order to secure Informed Consent.



The PJCD publishes articles in the following general categories:

Original Articles

☑ Peer-reviewed

  • Primary research article used to publish data gathered and analyzed by the author/s.  
  • Original articles shall not exceed 3500 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Structured abstracts for original articles shall not exceed 300 words.


Systematic Reviews/Meta-analysis

☑ Peer-reviewed

  • Comprehensive summary of research on a specific topic gathered in a systematic manner and representing the current knowledge base
  • Systematic reviews shall not exceed 3500 words, excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Structured abstracts for systematic reviews/meta-analysis shall not exceed 300 words 


Case Report/Case Series*

☑ Peer-reviewed

  • Primary research article reporting a rare and interesting clinical case, occurrence of uncommon features of a common condition, emergence of new or previously unknown pathology.
  • Case reports shall not exceed 1200 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Case series shall not exceed 1500 words excluding figures, tables and references. 
  • Unstructured abstracts of case reports/case series shall not exceed 200 words.


Grand Rounds

  • Interesting cases presented during the PCCP Interhospital Symposium by the different training institutions to highlight the strengths and uniqueness of their training, services, and patient cases
  • The Interhospital Symposium is conducted in a "grand rounds" format and include presenting the medical problems and treatment of a particular patient to colleagues
  • Grand Rounds shall not exceed 2000 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of grand rounds shall not exceed 200 words.


Guidelines and Consensus Statements

  • Guidelines and consensus statements shall not exceed 4000 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of guidelines and consensus statements shall not exceed 300 words.


Feature Articles

  • Invited/solicited articles from technical experts or specialists presenting up-to-date evidence-based knowledge on a particular field or topic
  • Feature articles shall not exceed 1500 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of feature articles shall not exceed 150 words.


Opinion Articles

  • Invited/solicited articles from technical experts or specialists expressing the author’s opinion or unique viewpoint on a particular field or topic
  • Opinion articles shall not exceed 1500 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of opinion articles shall not exceed 150 words.



  • Article representing opinion/s of the Editor/s on specific topics
  • Editorials shall not exceed 1000 words excluding references (if any).


Correspondence/Letters to the Editor

  • Brief reports of data from original research shared by author/s to the journal
  • Correspondences  shall not exceed 500 words excluding references (if any).


NOTE: Unless justified in the cover letter, manuscripts exceeding the word count may be returned to the authors for reduction before being considered for peer review.

*In certain cases, PJCD may request for a formal determination from the IRB that a case (or collection of cases) does not constitute research, hence, does not require IRB approval.



Authors are strongly encouraged to use the EQUATOR Network Reporting Guidelines when writing their manuscripts. 
During peer review, the same checklists will be used by external reviewers and may inform their recommendation on the manuscript.


  • Complete title of the article shall be informative and as brief as possible (no more than 20 words)


  • Complete names of each author with highest academic degree(s) and complete address of a maximum of one (1) institutional affiliation per author.

Presentations in Previous Conferences/Conventions/Scientific Meetings

  • Listing of any meeting(s)/conference(s) where the work has been previously presented as oral report or poster, and/or any awards/distinctions. The title, venue, month, and year of the meeting/conference shall be included.

Corresponding Author

  • Corresponding author’s name and complete contact information which includes official mailing address, telephone, and e-mail address. Personal contact information are discouraged. The corresponding author will be responsible for all questions about the manuscript. 

NOTE: Only one author is to be designated as corresponding author and he/she does not need to be the first author on the manuscript.

  • Appropriate footnotes for explanatory purposes or additional information may be placed with proper cross-referencing to the main text, in the following order of usage: *, **, ***

Funding Source

  • Information on financial support received related to the research, authorship, and/or publication of the article, if any, shall be listed, including the funding agency name and grant number. The purpose of the funding shall be described. 


  • Original Articles and Review Articles require a structured abstract of not more than 300 words, with the following four headings:

Background: Briefly state the problem being addressed and the purpose/s or aim/s of the study.

Methodology: State the study design (e.g., randomized clinical trial, case-control study, cross-sectional study, systematic review), setting (multi-center, institutional, etc), study population. 

Results: Briefly summarize the data obtained. Results shall be accompanied by data with confidence intervals and the exact level of statistical significance.

Conclusions: Provide brief and concise conclusion(s) directly supported by the data.

NOTE: Do not place crosslinks to references in the abstract.

  • Case Reports/Case Series and Grand Rounds do not require a structured abstract, with a maximum of 200 words.


  • At least 3 keywords (maximum of 10) should be provided. These terms are relevant to the article that readers or researchers may use to facilitate online searches in journal databases. 


NOTE: Medical Subject Headings database ([MeSH] of the National Center for Biotechnology Information [NCBI]  []) may be used to check if keywords provided are likely to yield search results.

Body of the Text

  • For Original Articles and Review Articles, the manuscript shall be written following the IMRAD format (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion).
    • Study Design: State the study design using a phrase such as randomized or nonrandomized clinical trial, case-control study, cross-sectional study, cohort study, systematic review, meta-analysis;
    • Setting: (e.g. multicenter, institutional, clinical practice); 
    • Study Population: Number of participants, inclusion/exclusion criteria, selection and randomization procedures undertaken
    • Intervention, to include main and secondary outcome measure(s);
    • Data and statistical analyses, to include what specific software was used for the computations.  
    • For Original Articles, statements regarding adherence to the Declaration of Helsinki, approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Ethics Committee, and description of the informed consent process shall be included. 
    • Introduction: The Introduction shall provide a brief background for the study, to include the research question, rationale, objectives of the study, and hypothesis to be tested if any.  Cite only the most pertinent past publications and shall not be an extensive review of the literature.
    • Methodology: Methods shall be written with sufficient detail to permit reproducibility.  
    • Results: Results must be concise. This may include demographic data of the study population, outcomes, and measurements. Data shall be accompanied by confidence intervals (usually at the 95% interval) and exact p-values or other indicators of statistical significance.  Negative results should also be reported.
    • Discussion: The discussion shall be restricted to the significant findings presented.  Results should not be repeated in this section. Limitations should be stated, to include whether additional studies are required, and the implications of the results. 
    • Conclusion/s: The conclusion(s) shall be directly supported by the results and shall state how the study addresses the objectives. Overgeneralization and speculation are discouraged.  
  • For Case Reports/Series and Grand Rounds, the manuscript should contain the following general sections: Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, and Conclusion.
    • Introduction: The Introduction shall provide a brief summary of what is unique about the case and what it adds to the scientific literature.
    • Case Presentation: The Case Presentation shall include the patient history, physical examination, test results, differential diagnoses, diagnosis, treatment, and, when available, the course on follow-up and outcomes.
    • Discussion: This section should contain the discussion of the diagnosed condition, including the treatment options and managements, as in other clinical manuscripts. The strengths and limitations of the case should be stated.
    • Conclusion: The conclusion shall provide readers with the learning points gathered from the case report/series or grand rounds.
  • For Grand Rounds, the body of the text, including commentaries by specialty experts (discussants) should be edited from the presentation for clarity and conformity with the length guidelines described above. The names of the discussants should be reflected in the commentary, along with relevant identifiers (e.g., Dr. Juan Dela Cruz, Pulmonologist: <commentary>).
  • When not pertinent to the case, manuscripts should refrain from giving away patient details not relevant to the case that, collectively, risk identifying the patient to the public.


  • All abbreviations shall be spelled out once (i.e., the first time they are mentioned in the text), followed by the abbreviation enclosed in parentheses.
  • Abbreviations shall be restricted to those that are widely used, accepted, and understood. 


  • All measurements and weights shall be  expressed in SI units.

Mention of Drugs and Medications

  • Use generic names only in the text body. State the trade name of a particular drug cited in parentheses including the manufacturer’s name, city, state and/or country when first mentioned in the text. 

Mention of Instruments, Equipment, and other technologies

  • With regard to instruments or equipment utilized in the study, enclose in parentheses the specific model, manufacturer’s name, city, state and/or country.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Potential conflicts of interest where existing, shall be disclosed. This includes but is not limited to:  ownership, employment, research support (including provision of equipment or materials), involvement as speaker, consultant, or any other financial relationship or arrangement with manufacturers, companies or suppliers. Such disclosure will indicate whether the person and/or his/her immediate family has any financial relationship with pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment manufacturers, biomedical device manufacturers, or any companies with significant involvement in the field of health care.


  • Contributors to the work who do not fulfill all of the authorship criteria shall be acknowledged in this section following the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT)

Tables, Figures, Illustrations and Photographs 


  • All tables shall be embedded within the body of the text at the appropriate points. 
  • Only tables cited in the text should be included.  All tables should be called out in the text and shall be numbered in ascending order depending on the sequence they were referred to in the text.   A different order for tables and figures is to be used. Symbols are * † ‡ § ¶.
  • Table titles must be placed on top of the table. Headings within the table must be bold-faced. Columns should be clearly labeled, including units of measure.
  • Explanatory notes or legends should be written at the bottom of the table or figure. All abbreviations should also be explained.
  • Footnotes may be placed at the bottom of the table if there is a need to make the table understandable that will not easily fit into the table title or data cells. 

Figures (Graphs, Illustrations, and Photographs)

  • All figures shall be embedded within the body of the text at the appropriate points.
  • Each figure must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals by order of citation in the text. Each shall have a brief explanatory legend as necessary. Legends must identify all symbols or letters that appear on the prints.  Any figure that has been published elsewhere or adapted shall have an acknowledgement to the original source. A copy of the release to publish the figure signed by the copyright holder must also be submitted.
  • Each final figure (graph, illustration, and photograph) shall be submitted as individual Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG), or Tag Image File Format (TIFF)  files with appropriate labels (figure number, title).
  • Modifications, such as cropping, changes in color, orientation, or placement of arrows or shapes, should be disclosed.
  • Arrows or other indicators used to identify key structures in illustrations and photographs should be part of the picture and not pasted as a separate object.


  • Graphs may be submitted in “PowerPoint” or “Excel” format. Raw data may be requested by the Editorial Board for verification of computations.


  • Illustrations must be professionally rendered with appropriate labels.  


  • Photographs (clinical photographs, fluorescein angiograms, computed tomography [CT] scans, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], X-ray, photomicrographs, transmission/scanning electron micrographs [TEM/ SEM], graphs, etc.) shall have  a resolution of at least 600 dpi. Photographs may be in black and white, or submitted in full color.
  • Photomicrographs shall include stains used and magnification.
  • Clinical photographs shall be masked when possible to prevent identification of the patient. Any personally-identifying data or features of the patient/subject under study such as names, case or hospital numbers, identifying tattoos, etc., should be removed when not pertinent to the understanding of the case, diagnostic questions, and interventions being discussed.

Supplementary Material

  • Supporting material that cannot be included in the publication of the manuscript for reasons of space but is complementary and directly relevant to the manuscript content, can be made available online as supplementary material. These may include additional figures or tables, data sets, or detailed methods.
  • The supplementary material should be referred to in the main manuscript for example as  “See Supplementary Table 1” or “See Supplementary Figure 1”. 


  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct text citations. 
  • References are formatted according to the AMA (Vancouver) referencing style. All references should be identified at the appropriate parts of the text using Arabic numerals as superscript, cross-referenced in consecutive order in the list of references.
  • For the names of authors, start with the author family name followed by abbreviated first/second names (e.g. Rosales RL). No marks should be placed between family name and abbreviated first name. A comma separates between author names till the last author. Do not place “and” before the last author. 
  • Journal article references must contain, in order, the following: 
    • Authors - List all when there are six authors. In the case of more than six authors, list the first three authors followed by “et al.”
    • Title of the article - sentence case, no quotation marks
    • Publication source – the journal name should be italicized and abbreviated according to Index Medicus. 
    • Year of publication
    • Volume number
    • Issue number
    • Page number (inclusive)
  • For a more detailed guide and examples on the reference style and format, please refer to this website.
  • Personal communications, unpublished data or manuscripts in preparation should not be included in the references. Instead, these may be cited in the text in parentheses or as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned. Authors assume responsibility for verifying the accuracy of their cited reference.
  • For Grand Rounds, the same referencing guidelines should be followed. Commentaries are not referenced.


Original Articles

Original Articles (OA) are:

  • Primary research article used to publish data gathered and analyzed by the Author/s.  
  • Original articles shall not exceed 3500 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Structured abstracts for original articles shall not exceed 300 words.

Systematic Reviews

Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analysis are:

  • Comprehensive summaries of research on specific topics gathered in a systematic manner and representing the current knowledge base.
  • Systematic reviews shall not exceed 3500 words, excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Structured abstracts for systematic reviews/meta-analysis shall not exceed 300 words.

Case Reports/Case Series

Case Reports (CR)/Case Series (CS) are:

  • Primary research articles reporting a rare and interesting clinical case, occurrence of uncommon features of a common condition, or emergence of new or previously unknown pathology.
  • Case Reports shall not exceed 1200 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Case Series shall not exceed 1500 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of case reports/case series shall not exceed 200 words.

Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds/Case Records of Interhospital Symposia

  • Interesting cases presented during the PCCP Interhospital Symposium by the different training institutions to highlight the strengths and uniqueness of their training, services, and patient cases.
  • The Interhospital Symposium is conducted in a "grand rounds" format and include presenting the medical problems and treatment of  a particular patient to colleagues.
  • Grand rounds shall not exceed 2000 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of grand rounds shall not exceed 200 words.

Guidelines and Consensus Statements

Guidelines and Consensus Statements

  • Guidelines and consensus statements shall not exceed 4000 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of guidelines and consensus statements shall not exceed 300 words.

Feature Articles

Feature Articles (FA) are:

  • Invited/solicited articles from technical experts or specialists presenting up-to-date evidence-based knowledge on a particular field or topic
  • Feature articles shall not exceed 1500 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of feature articles shall not exceed 150 words.

Opinion Articles

Opinion Articles (OA) are:
  • Invited/solicited articles from technical experts or specialists expressing the author's opinion or unique viewpoint on a particular field or topic
  • Opinion articles shall not exceed 1500 words excluding figures, tables, and references.
  • Unstructured abstracts of opinion articles shall not exceed 150 words.

Correspondences/Letters to the Editor

Correspondences/Letters to the Editor are:

  • Brief reports of data from original research shared by Author/s to the journal
  • Correspondences  shall not exceed 500 words excluding references (if any).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in the PJCD journal site shall be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and shall not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.